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Søger du efter en leverandør/producent fra Litauen?

Søger din virksomhed efter en leverandør eller producent fra Litauen? Mulighederne er store, herunder ses et bredt udvælg af brancher og sektorer til mulig samarbejde.

Der er indgående samarbejdsmuligheder fra Litauen indenfor mange forskellige sektorer, så som;
metalwork, woodproduction, food, Construction, textile, etc. 
Har din virksomhed en plan, eller tanker om at få et samarbejde med en leverandør eller producent i Litauen? Herunder forskellige virksomheden i Litauen som søger samarbejdspartnere:

Klik på linket/den første tekst, og du vil se den fulde profil.


BOLT20181217001 - A Lithuanian company, specialized in furniture manufacturing, is looking for distributors under commercial agency, manufacturing or subcontracting agreement.
BOLT20190424001 -  A Lithuanian company specializing in wood processing and wood products offers production under manufacturing agreement.
BOLT20190212001 - Lithuanian company, specializing in producing wooden goods is searching for partners worldwide to work under commercial agency, distributor or manufacturing agreement.


BOLT20181228001 - A Lithuanian company, specializing in metalworking, shipbuilding and repair, is looking for new partners to grow their business internationally working under outsourcing, service, and subcontracting agreements
BOLT20180607001 - Lithuanian manufacturer of industrial steel and stainless steel products is searching for partners and offers manufacturing or subcontracting agreements.
BOLT20180907001 - A Lithuanian company offers stainless steel processing and conveyor systems manufacturing capacities under manufacturing agreement.
BOLT20190206001 - A Lithuanian metalworking company is looking for foreign partners to work under manufacturing, subcontracting or distribution service agreement.
BOLT20181211001 - Lithuanian company specializing in manufacturing of chipper blades is searching for partners under distribution or outsourcing agreements.
BOLT20180725001 - Lithuanian company that designs and manufactures metal products and mechanisms is looking for partners under subcontracting and manufacturing agreements.
BOLT20190426001 - Lithuanian vessels Construction Company seeks subcontracting partners.


 BOLT20190313001 - Lithuanian company, specializing in recruitment of construction sector workers, is looking for foreign partners to work under service agreement.
BOLT20190426001 - Lithuanian vessels Construction Company seeks subcontracting partners.


BOLT20181206001 - Lithuanian company manufacturing linen textiles is looking for retailers or distributors under a distribution service agreement.
BOLT20191024001 - A Lithuanian sewing company is offering their services and is looking for partners to work under joint venture, manufacturing or subcontracting     agreement. (Still under review)


BOLT20180605002 - A Lithuanian manufacturer of doors and plastic windows is looking for distributors, commercial agents and offers subcontracting agreement

BOLT20190514002 -  A Lithuanian manufacturer of plastic doors and windows is looking for distributors in Spain.


BOLT20190204001 - A Lithuanian company, specializing in kitchen furniture, is searching for partners to work under distribution service, manufacturing or joint venture agreement.


BOLT20190502001 - Lithuanian company provides flexible logistic services and offers cooperation under joint venture or subcontracting agreement for Swedish or Norwegian companies.

BOLT20190426002 - A Lithuanian company is offering their warehouse service and is looking for potential partners to work under outsourcing agreement.


BOLT20190430001 - A Lithuanian printing company offers full-color printing and all the related services under manufacturing agreement, outsourcing agreement or subcontracting.
BOLT20181218001 - A Lithuanian company specializing in manufacturing of packaging materials is looking for partners under distribution services agreement.


BOLT20190614001 - A Lithuanian company specialized in manufacturing, maintenance and development of technological equipment offers manufacturing, subcontracting and services agreements.


BOLT20180704001 - Lithuanian company specialized in customs a brokerage service is looking for joint ventures and other types of partnership with companies/individuals in Germany.


Ved interesse og spørgsmål, kontakt venligst:

Aija Konisevska Azadi
International Project Consultant

Dir.: (+45) 5010 3852
E-mail: aka@ndeu.dk

Enterprise Europe Network
NordDanmarks EU-Kontor
Niels Jernes Vej 10
9220 Aalborg Ø
Aalborg Kommune
CVR nummer: DK36274433

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